POST #14 A Growers Guide to Crafting the Perfect Soil Mix: Fast-Draining vs. Water-Retentive with Custom Recipes

A Growers Guide to Crafting the Perfect Soil Mix:
Fast-Draining vs. Water-Retentive with Custom Recipes

Authored by Nature's Living Soil

Hey, soil enthusiasts and green thumbs! Nature's Living Soil is back with another deep dive into the world of soil science. Whether you're growing cannabis, vegetables, or ornamental plants, the soil you use is the foundation of your garden. So let's get into the nitty-gritty of crafting the perfect soil mix for your needs, and explore the pros and cons of fast-draining and water-retentive soils.


The Basics: What's in the Mix?

Before we get into the recipes, let's talk about the star of the show: Nature's Living Soil concentrates. These concentrates are packed with essential nutrients, beneficial bacteria, and fungi. They contain Worm Castings (Vegan compost for KVS), Dolomite Lime, and Blood Meal (vegan alternatives for KVS), all designed to form symbiotic relationships with your plants. The recommended dosage is 1.5 to 3 ounces of concentrate per gallon of your base mix depending on desired strength.


Pros and Cons: Fast-Draining vs. Water-Retentive

Fast-Draining Soil


Quick Drying: Reduces the risk of root rot and fungal diseases.

Oxygen Availability: Allows more oxygen to reach the roots, promoting healthy growth.

Nutrient Uptake: Easier to control nutrient levels as excess nutrients are drained away.


Frequent Watering: Requires more frequent watering, which can be labor-intensive.

Nutrient Leaching: Risk of essential nutrients being washed away.

Not Ideal for Dry Climates: May dry out too quickly in arid conditions.

Water-Retentive Soil


Less Frequent Watering: Ideal for busy gardeners or automated systems.

Nutrient Retention: Holds nutrients well, providing a constant supply to plants.

Good for Humid Climates: Maintains moisture levels effectively.


Risk of Overwatering: Can lead to root rot if not managed properly.

Less Aeration: May require additional aeration methods.

Potential for Salt Build-up: Less flushing of the soil can lead to salt accumulation.

Recipe for Fast-Draining Soil:


Coco Coir: 40% - Excellent for fast drainage.

Perlite: 40% - Increases drainage and aeration.

Compost: 20% - Adds organic matter and nutrients.

Concentrate: 1.5 to 3 ounces per gallon of the mix.


Mix the Coco Coir, Perlite, and Compost together in the specified ratios.

Add 1.5 to 3 ounces of Nature's Living Soil concentrate per gallon of your Coco Coir, Perlite, and Compost mix.

Moisten the mix slightly with pH-balanced, non-chlorinated water.

Recipe for Water-Retentive Yet Aerated Soil:


Peat Moss: 40% - Good for water retention.

Vermiculite: 40% - Retains water while aiding aeration.

Earthworm Castings: 20% - Can be substituted for compost.

Concentrate: 1.5 to 3 ounces per gallon of the mix.


Mix the Peat Moss, Vermiculite, and Earthworm Castings together.

Add 1.5 to 3 ounces of Nature's Living Soil concentrate per gallon of your Peat Moss, Vermiculite, and Earthworm Castings mix.

Moisten the mix slightly with pH-balanced, non-chlorinated water.

The Final Word

Choosing between fast-draining and water-retentive soil depends on your specific needs, but with Nature's Living Soil concentrates, you can customize either type to be nutrient-rich and full of beneficial microbes. For an extra boost, consider making a compost tea from the concentrates (2 tablespoons per gallon of water) or use our Soil Revival as an "instant tea."


So, there you have it, folks! The ultimate guide to crafting the perfect soil mix for your garden. Happy growing! 🌱

Richard CruitComment